unsere aktuelle Verkaufsausstellung


1992 University Center of Arts, Recife, Brasil

1993 House of Culture, Sao Paulo, Brasil

1994 Cultural Center of Arts, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

1995 Rand & Karlsberg Gallery, Miami, Florida, USA

1996 Rodrigues Art Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina

1997 Camargo Vilaca Art Gallery, Sao Paulo, Brasil

1998 Dumans Space, Sao Paulo, Brasil

1999 Goldmann & Schwatz Gallery, New York City

2000 Wietha Studio of Art, Sydney, Australia

Anette Neumann Schnaiders works are presently exhibited in Italy, Switzerland, Australia, USA, Argentina and Holland


born 1946 in Recife, Brasil

studied painting in Sao Paulo using plastics as medium choose since 1992 The Hightened Self as the theme of her work in Miami and N.Y.

ab August 2001 jew. Di bis Da ab 18 Uhr

UTHOFF´S GATE  STARNBERG Bahnhofstr. 6-8  D-82319 Starnberg T: 08151 12044



e-Mail für Platzreservierungen: scalamuc@aol.com

anetteartefacto Kopie

Anette Neumann Schnaider